AFTA Insists Behavior at Our Border is By Every Definition Inhumane

According to the Department of Homeland Security, nearly 2,000 children have been forcibly separated from their families at our southern border over the last month.

AFTA decries any policy that endorses tearing children from their families as they attempt to cross the border into the United States. Unnecessarily placing children in institutional or foster care and detaining their caregivers is by every definition inhumane. This unconscionable practice of weaponizing children in order to terrorize potential immigrants cannot be tolerated.

As an organization made up of those committed to serving families, AFTA calls on the administration to put an end to this barbaric practice and reunite those families that have already suffered at our American hands.

The Family Policy Human Rights Committee will be convening at 2pm on Thursday, in Austin, to discuss actions we might take as an organization and as family therapists. Please join us or contact [email protected] if you would like to participate in this process.

Sarah Berland, LCSW
Family Policy Human Rights Committee Chair

Victoria Dickerson, PhD
AFTA President

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