Our Vision

AFTA envisions a just world created by transforming social contexts so that they promote health, safety, and well-being of all families and communities.

Our Mission

AFTA's mission is developing, researching, teaching, and disseminating progressive, just family therapy, and family centered practices and policies.


  • To advance theories, therapies, research and professional education that regards the family as a unit in a social context.
  • To promote research and professional education in family therapy and allied fields.
  • To make information about family therapy available to practitioners in other fields of knowledge and to the public.
  • To foster the collaboration among the medical, psychological, social, legal and other professions that serve families and the science and practice of family therapy.

Statement on Social Justice

AFTA's approach to social justice addresses the structural oppression that plays out within families and at different levels within society. Structural oppression refers to the situation in which people are divided into groups, which have unequal ability and opportunity to access power and resources. AFTA's approach challenges the institutional and interpersonal policies and practices as well as the underlying ideologies that perpetuate the continuation of these contemporary and historical injustices. It calls for personal and collective action to establish equitable social participation, allowing individuals, families, and communities the possibility to exist with dignity, self-determination, and physical and psychological wellbeing.